BC 06 RoomM68 Module
Practical, versatile and sensual: the BC 06 RooM68 shelving system - a piece of furniture for every taste and every situation in life: the clever mix of strong solid wood surfaces and filigree aluminium allows numerous combinations. Whether as a shelf, sideboard or highboard, placed in front of the wall or freely in the room, with doors, flaps or drawers. Well received and therefore consistently further developed. The BC 06 shelving system is now available with wardrobe, desk or bar and the Bag 4 Good as a further storage element.
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/ Anodized aluminium EV3 brass

/ Anodized aluminium EV3 brass

/ Anodized aluminium EV6 black
Smoked oak (Edition Smoked oak)
Oiled natural smoked oak
Oiled natural smoked oak / brushed
Oiled natural smoked oak / chainsaw structure
White smoked raw effect / brushed
White smoked raw effect / chainsaw structure
Oiled anthracite smoked oak / brushed
Olied anthracite smoked oak / chainsaw structure
Vintage oak (Edition Vintage oak)
Oiled natural vintage oak
Oiled natural vintage oak / brushed
Oiled natural vintage oak / chainsaw structure
White pigmented vintage oak / oiled
White pigmented vintage oak / brushed
White pigmented vintage oak / chainsaw structure
Oiled natural smoked vintage oak
Oiled natural smoked vintage oak / brushed
Oiled natural smoked vintage oak / chainsaw structure
Oak (Edition Basic)
Oiled natural oak
Oiled natural oak / brushed
Oiled natural oak / chainsaw structure
White pigmented oak oiled
White pigmented oak / brushed
White pigmented oak / chainsaw structure
Stained and lacquered oak (Edition Basic)
Stained and lacquered raw effect oak
Stained and lacquered raw effect oak / brushed
Stained and lacquered raw effect oak / chainsaw structure
Stained and lacquered mud-coloured oak
Stained and lacquered mud-coloured oak / brushed
Stained and lacquered mud-coloured oak / chainsaw structure
Stained and lacquered black oak
Stained and lacquered black oak / brushed
Stained and lacquered black oak / chainsaw structure
Walnut and cherry (Edition Basic)
Oiled natural european walnut
Oiled natural european walnut / chainsaw structure
Oiled natural american walnut
Oiled natural american walnut / chainsaw structure
Oiled natural american cherry
Oiled natural american cherry / chainsaw structure